Panta Rei

The poetics of flowing is a metaphor of the human and natural condition, where strength and fragility coexist and are necessary to each other, it is a dynamic rhythm in continuous transformation which creates conflict only if rejected.

Nothing is known and the destination is always different from what we had planned. To stay in the process of revelation, in the many possible paths is to flow.

It is a form of secular spirituality that accompanies my work.

CM: 120x120x4.5 inc 47x47x1.7
CM: 40x40x4
CM: 120x160x4.5 inc47x63x1.7
CM: 120x160x4.5 inc 47x63x1.7
Breath 2
CM: 51x51x4.5
I stay....
CM: 77.5x97x2.5
organism A
CM: 109x109x2.5
organism D
CM: 109x109x2.5
organism L
CM: 122x123x2
on land
CM: 122x49.5x2.5
stay in the flow
CM: 200x111x2.5
road to me
CM: 97x44x3.5
the threshold
CM: 122x122x2.5
of air and light
CM: 250x110x4.5
CM: 153x87.5x3.5
totem genesis
CM: 56x200x6,6, metal base 58x40